12May 2024
You don’t want to miss out on the latest marketing trends. You can optimize your business/brand and experience steady and significant growth in your lead generation and conversion, customer retention, and Return-on-Investment (ROI) by utilizing the possibilities that Quick Response (QR) Code provides.
Quick Response (QR) codes are 2D scannable barcodes. They are a viable technology for enhancing your proximity to marketing workflows.
Just in 2022, the global increase in QR scans has quadrupled by 443%, and predictions indicate that the use of QR codes will continue to rise. Embracing QR codes in your business has a lot of benefits.
They include:
Business Card (vCard) QR Code:
Business cards are essential networking tools for business owners and marketers, but they are frequently disregarded. It’s necessary to digitalize your traditional business cards by adding a QR code and a call to action. A simple scan will give enough necessary info about you to potential customers or clients.
When prospective customers, clients, or business partners scan a vCard QR code, they will be redirected to your social media page or website and granted access to other important information about you.
Increased Followers on Social Networks:
Your social media networks can be combined into a single QR code with a frame, enabling scanners to instantly follow your accounts with just one scan. One of the QR code options is a social media QR code, which enables you to link your social networks with only one QR code. Scanners are redirected to a landing page showing all your social media profiles when you scan this QR code. As a result, your followers will find it easier to follow, subscribe, and like you across all your social media platforms.

Brand Awareness and Recognition:
Imagine you are a start-up, still learning to promote and sell your products and services. Securing your brand identity is a way to aid the growth of your business. Printing your company logo on QR code campaigns will help people notice and recognize your brand, resulting in more sales and customer retention. It also aids in aligning your advertisement with your brand because you can match the colors of your QR code to the color palette of your logo.
Brand Engagements:
QR codes are handy tools but remember that they will not work unless people scan them. Customizing your code with your brand logos may also help your QR code look more appealing and legitimate, increasing the likelihood that people will notice them and scan them with their smartphones. Using visually appealing QR codes is an engaging way to connect with your targeted customers.
Data Tracking:
A dynamic QR code allows you to track user data to determine campaign results. For instance, the Design QR code generator will allow you to track the following:
● Number of scans performed per day.
● Scans’ location.
● Scan’s date and time.
● Scanner’s device types, such as Android, iOS, or any other operating system.
QR codes act as a portal to the digital world, connecting you to an infinite amount of information online. You can utilize this fast-growing technology to grow your brand. If you have questions or comments, feel free to contact us, we will be excited to hear from you.
Customise a QR code with Design QR software
Here is just one example to show how you can customise a QR code to your branding. Give it a try!